Players Show 7.0
The sun was out, cars waxed, and the atmosphere was high – how any car show should be. Players Show 7.0 has been a highly anticipated show since Players 6.0 which was a huge success. So as the show season comes to a close, Players is set in any VAG enthusiasts calendar, however cars from every scene flooded the North Weald Airfield. This year paved the way for a more organised structure and more spaces were made available to those who had club stands and just like any event a “Show’n’Shine” area had been setup. The quality of cars were amazing and not-so-amazing-but-worth-a-try cars. All forms of styles and approaches had been taken, such as the common Jap cars rolling on Rotas and VW’s slammed on banded steels. The rust looks had been present at the show on the different “Rat Look” cars and also the “VIP” style Jap and German makes alike. Bags, loads of bags – near enough every other car was dumped on air-ride suspension, a very common way of getting a car to sit millimeters off the floor. So overall Players 7.0 was a huge success, well done to the organisers of the show, cannot wait for Players 8.0 in 2014!
Tags: It's Modified Insurance, modified insurance, North Weald Airfield, Players 7.0,Players Show, volkswagen