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Modifications – a spoiler from Santa?

Once again, it is that time of year where Father Christmas will be checking to see who will be on his naughty list! Fear not because all good girls and boys can be on his nice list – as long as they have adequate insurance!

Insurance for modified cars doesn’t have to be a worry or an extensive progress and by sticking to a few simple strategies your insurance won’t necessarily be through the roof.

Adding modifications to your car not only makes it more difficult for insurers to determine the value of your unique car, but will also add desirability to thieves and some mods may even alter the power of the car and therefore create a higher accident risk.

Remember to declare any modifications that you might be adding over the festive period whether Father Christmas brings you a set of new alloys or if you decide that you want to bring Christmas cheer by adding lights etc. your insurer must know.

To put a festive smile on your face we thought we would show some of the more unusual Christmas modification jobs. See below.

Merry Christmas from all of us at it’s modified car insurance.

Images from: Lydia Marcus

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Why choose it's modified car insurance?

As a company we don't want to exploit you and rip you off for wanting to protect your cherished motor. As enthusiasts, we understand how much money is spent on modifications, which is why we do our best to source the cheapest yet relevant modified car insurance for you. Our service allows you to compare policies from respected insurers and selects between 3-5 modified car insurance quotes that best suit you.